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Coronavirus Update From Genvolt

Genvolt is closely monitoring the evolution of the Coronavirus situation and closly following the advice of our government, and the World Health Organisation on travel advice, that is affecting Genvolt globally.

We are regularly updating staff on the situation and on necessary precautions they need to take.
Genvolt is observing and supporting the need for staff to work from home and is facilitating them with the necessary IT equipment so employees from all our locations do not need to travel to work where possible.

With regards to the business impact, certain travel restrictions are posing some logistical challenges, however we are working diligently to overcome these and to carry on providing goods and services to our clients, especially those in the research sectors.

Genvolt is constantly evaluating the situation and monitoring any potential knock on effects to production and deliveries and will try to mitigate via alternative plans where necessary.

We will provide updates, on our social media channels, as the situation evolves, in the meantime if you do need to contact us then please use our web contact form;

Thank You.