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Recherche d’alimentations haute tension

Mercury HV Power Supply

The Genvolt Mercury HV Power Supply units are part of the range of electrostatic precipitator power supplies that were designed specifically for operation with the patented ion Blast air purification system which can achieve up to 99.98% cleaning efficiencies even with micron-sized particles. With an output voltage range of 100kV to 150kV and output power of 150W to 960W the Mercury range has been designed as a highly efficient and extremely versatile HV Power Supply capable of working in some of the most demanding of environments.


An interlock keyswitch is provided on the front panel of the control unit. A facility for an external interlock loop is also included.

The Genvolt ‘Mercury’ series units were designed specifically for operation with the patented ion Blast air purification system which can achieve up to 99.98% cleaning efficiencies even with micron-sized particles.

However, the system is available for use in other fields of application that require a source of HVDC. The Mercury is available in three basic modules:

1) 150kV, 960W provides 8mA up to 120kV with linear de-rating to 6mA at 150kV.

2) 120kV, 480W provides 4mA up to 120kV.

3) 100/120kV, 150W provides 1.5mA at 100kV.

Control is by means of an external control unit. This is available in two types. Type ‘A’, which is illustrated above, has full digital metering facilities and includes a remote interface. Adjustment down to zero is possible with the type ‘A’ with independent control of both mA and kV settings. Type ‘B’ has simple bar graph indication of current and voltage and a rotary switch to derate either the current demand or voltage demand from maximum over a limited range.

The control signals are standard 0-10V and it is thus possible for the user to employ any suitable control system as an alternative to the two control panels. Genvolt’s flexible approach makes it possible to produce variants on the above designs, usually in short time frames.

Informations complémentaires

Input Voltage


Input Frequency

50Hz, 60Hz

Output Voltage

100kV, 120kV, 150kV


Negative, Positive

Output Adjustable Range

0 to 100% Voltage

Remote control

Remote interface signals as follows:

  1. HV monitor
  2. mA monitor
  3. HV demand reference
  4. mA limit reference
  5. HV On command
  6. HV On report
  7. Remote Status Report

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