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Pegasus SC Series

The Pegasus SC High Voltage Power Supplies are suitable for laboratory and industrial use. RS485/Bluetooth remote control facilitates safe programming and adds the wave forming capabilities to the device. Available in a standard 19-
inch rack with reduced weight, ease of serviceability is ensured. The supplies are air insulated below 20kV while for higher output voltages encapsulated insulation is provided.

The power supply is available in both positive and negative polarity configurations, with one or two output connectors depending on customer requirements. Equipped with the Genvolt Smart Controller, this power supply features an LCD screen display and a navigation keypad for seamless control. The unit provides an adjustable voltage range, adjustable current range, configurable output waveform, highly stable output, and low ripple. GUIs are available to connect a PC or smartphone to the power supply, not only provide a safe remote control and monitoring, but also additional features including different waveform generation.



Zusätzliche Informationen

Input Voltage

220-240 VAC

Input Frequency

50Hz, 60Hz


Negativ, Positiv

Output Adjustable Range

0V bis 100% Spannung

Voltage Ripple


Cooling Method



Lokal und ferngesteuert


Bogenschießen, Offener Kreislauf, Übertemperatur, Kurzschluss



Regulatory approvals
Pegasus power supplies are in conformity of RoHS compliant and CE marks.

Output Monitor
The Pegasus SC measures the output voltage, output current, and device temperature. These values are displayed in both the computer software and the LCD display.

Local/Remote Operation Mode
The Pegasus SC offers two operation modes: Local and Remote. Upon powering on the power supply, it defaults to the local operation mode. In this mode, all front panel keys are available for use. However, in the remote operation mode, users can send programming commands from a controller (computer) via RS485/USB or Bluetooth.

The interlock serves as an additional safety mechanism within the Smart Pegasus series of high voltage power supplies. The Pegasus SC continually monitors the interlock status and promptly turns off the power supply in the event of an open interlock. Furthermore, the system prevents users from turning on the power supply when the interlock is open, enhancing safety protocols and preventing potential hazards.

High Voltage Control
The Pegasus SC facilitates remote activation and deactivation of the power supply’s high voltage using the front panel keypad, wired serial communication, or a wireless Bluetooth interface. This versatile control capability ensures flexibility and convenience in managing the power supply’s high voltage functionality.

Connection Protection
If activated, the connection protection feature automatically turns off the power supply in case of a lost connection between the power supply and the controller.

Fault Indicator
The Pegasus SC provides a comprehensive fault indication system, displaying the status of power supply faults. Over Voltage, Over Temperature, and, where applicable, Spark Fault indications are presented in the computer software, mobile application and on the front panel LCD display.

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